Closing ceremony of "YOUr Past Present Future" project, was held in Jewish community in Sarajevo on 9th of March 2019. Youth for Peace had the opportunity to welcome high school and university students, who participated in the project, representatives of RYCO office in Sarajevo, as well as other partners and friends who support and collaborate with Youth For Peace.

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Sarajevo was a host to regional gathering of youth from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Serbia that was held from 7th until 10th of March within the project „YOUr Past Present Future“. Over 70 high school students, university students and representatives of partner organizations gathered in the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina, where they had an opportunity to talk about different factors that contribute to peace building and through interactive workshops, enriched by examples and simulations of real life situations see what peace building really is and which factors to pay attention to.

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Hatred, prejudices, ethnic labels, conflict, war, differences in belief, pain, hate speech, or fear of others is no taboo for this group of youth. Through the recognition of their own identities, the participants of the seminar have seen opportunities for peace building, which is the basis for better present.

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Story of peace-building in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Montenegro has a new chapter! Students have gathered in Podgorica for three-day-long seminar to learn about conflict transformation, media literacy, human rights and peace-building.

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From 9 to 11 December, thirty young people from all over Serbia took part in a seminar for high school students within the project "YOUr Past, Present, Future" organized by Sombor Youth Boom in partnership with Youth For Peace from Sarajevo and MAYYA from Podgorica.

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Which narratives we live with? How do we remember past? Do we know how to conduct dialogue? Are we satisfied with societies where we live or we want to build peace? – those are questions that we have opened with participants of YOUr Past – Present – Future Project supported by Regional Youth Cooperation Office - RYCO

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Youth from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Montenegro have gathered once again. Their strong motivation have guaranteed high quality training! Training took place in Podgorica, Montenegro, in period 27-30 of October 2018.
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In Sombor, Serbia, between 13-16 October, 2018, a four-day training was held that brought together young people from all over Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Montenegro and is the first in a series of activities within the project "YOUr Past, Present, Future "supported by the Regional Youth Cooperation Office - RYCO.

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Projekt YOUr Past - Present - Future je odabran kao jedan od najboljih u sklopu prvog poziva Regionalnog ureda za saradnju mladih (RYCO) te će biti realizovan u predstojećim mjesecima. Prvi korak ovog projekta je okupljanje koordinatora iz Bosne i Hercegovine, Crne Gore i Srbije u cilju operativnog planiranja i detaljne razrade plana aktivnosti. Na Zlatiboru, u periodu od 17. do 19. 08. 2018. godine okupljeni koordinatori projekta su se detaljno upoznali sa ciljevima i aktivnostima projekta, te isplanirali predstojeće faze. Strategija promocije projekta, kao i detaljan set kriterija za odabir učesnika je kreiran. Projekt ne bi imao poentu ako ne okuplja kvalitetne učesnike, tako da će uskoro i prvi poziv u sklopu projekta YOUr PPF biti objavljen; svi studenti iz BiH, Srbije i Crne Gore, koji su zainteresovani za teme projekta, će imati priliku da se prijave i učestvuju u ovoj poučnoj i zanimljivoj priči.