In the period of June 1st – June 8th 2018, seminar and final activity of ERASMUS+ project Supporting Employability Though Self-Development was held in Durrës, Albania. Youth for Peace, as one of the partners in the project, had its representatives attending the seminar. This activity gathered representatives of 9 organizations, partners in the project that are coming from the European Union member countries and from Western Balkans.

The seminar gathered experienced youth workers and young people who participated in the local activities that were implemented in each of the partner countries, so younger participants had the opportunity to learn from those who work with young people in the civil society for longer time. This gathering also served as an opportunity to present and evaluate the results of local activities that were implemented. Youth for Peace held two local workshops, where 27 participants gathered and by that it contributed successfully to the spreading of project idea in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
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On Saturday 12th of May 2018 the last local activity of SESD project took place in Sarajevo, in Konrad Adenauer Foundation premises, gathering around 20 participants from high schools and universities.
Participants, aged from 16 to 20 years old, were coming from very different backgrounds. Nevertheless, working environment was completely relaxed and safe. Some of the youngster, thanks to introspective reflection exercises, pull out very personal detailed, showing the full trust in trainers and colleagues.
The event was focused mainly in two topics: self development through self reflection and development of skills for a better employability. Participants were very active, interested and involved. Again, they underline the importance of this kind of orientation for an effective choice for job and faculty as well as for a better understanding of themselves and their life.

On Thursday 3rd of May 2018, the first local activity within the project SESD, took place in Banja Luka with high school and university students. 10 participants aged 16 to 25 years old took part in this activity focused on the topic of self-development.
Activities proposed were very well accepted, participants were very interested, working environment was relaxed and safe. Participants underlined the usefulness and importance of proposed exercises for supporting them in the decision of future job/faculty as well as for a better understanding of their own and their desires.

From 21st to 28th of March 2018 YfP members Dajana Dejanović, Antonela Opačak and Diana Cossi, volunteer from Italy, participated in a training course in Prizren, within the project SESD (Supporting Employability through Self-Development), supported by European Commission through Erasmus+ program. Participants were coming from ten different countries: Kosovo*, Albania, Macedonia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Romania, Bulgaria, Germany and Italy.
Participants spent a week attending workshops about self-development techniques, role plays, job interview simulations. The training was very intense and useful. YfP members were call to put themselves out and prepare an innovative workshop on development of skills for a better employability. Also, Diana Cossi facilitated a workshop regarding Erasmus+ program.
The training course served also as preparation to draft future local activities which will be held in each country involving at least 25 youngsters.

From 19th to 22nd of January, Diana Cossi, CCP volunteer in Youth for Peace, has participated on the kick-off meeting of SESD (Supporting Employability through Self Development) project. SESD is a project funded by European Union inside the program Erasmus+ to promote youth mobility, exchange good practices and to build up or strengthen partnerships.
On this first meeting the following activities were set and planned:
- Training Course (Prizren 21-28 of March 2018): TC for youth workers gathering to gain skills, knowledge and develop necessary attitude related to supporting young people in working on their personal development and further increase of employability skills.
- Local Activity in Sarajevo with at least 25 youngsters
- Seminar (Durrës 01-08 of June 2018): aims both to evaluate the achievement and challenges of the past months, as well as a way to improve human and organizational capacity building of young people and organizations through new and innovative personal development tools.
Partners of the project are: NGO THY (leader applicant – Kosovo), Cordinamento delle Organizzazioni per il Servizio Volontario (Italy), Beyond Barriers (Albania), Youth for Peace (BiH), Global Organization for Development (Bulgaria), Ocean Znanja u Republici Hrvatskoj (Croatia), SFERA MACEDONIA (FYROM), NaturKultur e.V. (Germany), Asociatia Tinerilor Cu Initiativa Civica (Romania), Somborski Edukativni Centar (Serbia).