YOUr Past - Present - Future je projekat Youth for Peace organizacije u partnerstvu sa Somborskim Edukativnim Boom-om iz Srbije i organizacijom MAYAA iz Crne Gore, a podržan od strane Regional Youth Cooperation Office (RYCO).

Projekt okuplja 15 studenata iz BiH, Srbije i Crne Gore, te kroz niz treninga ih educira o temama vezanim za identitete, narative, sukob i konstruktivnu transformaciju sukoba, sve u cilju afirmativnog suočavanja sa prošlosti, dijaloga i izgradnje mira. Projekt će također okupljati srednjoškolce, te kroz nacionalne seminare i završnu konferenciju u Sarajevu podizati svijest o važnosti izgradnje mira i njihove uloge i odgovornosti u tim procesima.

Cilj projekta je motivirati mlade za iskorače iz društveno nametnutog konformizma i iracionalnog straha od drugačijih, osposobiti ih da analiziraju prošlost i njezine posljedice danas, pristupe narativima i sveprisutnom govoru mržnje na analitički način, te da postanu odvažni akteri u civilnom društvu, proaktivno rade na istinskom dijalogu i izgradnji mira.

Continuited stories of "YOUr Past - Present - Future" in Sombor

From 9 to 11 December, thirty young people from all over Serbia took part in a seminar for high school students within the project "YOUr Past, Present, Future" organized by Sombor Youth Boom in partnership with Youth For Peace from Sarajevo and MAYYA from Podgorica.



SM2bTopics of the three-day seminar were discrimination, constructive conflict transformation, human rights, hate speech and peacebuilding. During the workshops, young people had the opportunity to expand their knowledge through discussion and methods of non-formal education, and critically reflect on the above topics.
The three-day seminar was held in Sombor, the activities within the seminar were led by youth workers Milica Lugumerski, Jelena Štulić and Ivana Barač. At the end of the seminar, the participants got the certificate, and some of them also had the right to participate in the final conference in Sarajevo at the beginning of next year.
"The only problem with this seminar is that we are only thirty, and this should be heard by all young people in Serbia!" - claims one of the participants in the seminar.
Thank Somborski Youth Boom on the excellent realization of the seminar and Regional Youth Cooperation Office - RYCO on support. Project activities will continue in Montenegro soon, as well as in Bosnia and Herzegovina.