YOUr Past - Present - Future je projekat Youth for Peace organizacije u partnerstvu sa Somborskim Edukativnim Boom-om iz Srbije i organizacijom MAYAA iz Crne Gore, a podržan od strane Regional Youth Cooperation Office (RYCO).

Projekt okuplja 15 studenata iz BiH, Srbije i Crne Gore, te kroz niz treninga ih educira o temama vezanim za identitete, narative, sukob i konstruktivnu transformaciju sukoba, sve u cilju afirmativnog suočavanja sa prošlosti, dijaloga i izgradnje mira. Projekt će također okupljati srednjoškolce, te kroz nacionalne seminare i završnu konferenciju u Sarajevu podizati svijest o važnosti izgradnje mira i njihove uloge i odgovornosti u tim procesima.

Cilj projekta je motivirati mlade za iskorače iz društveno nametnutog konformizma i iracionalnog straha od drugačijih, osposobiti ih da analiziraju prošlost i njezine posljedice danas, pristupe narativima i sveprisutnom govoru mržnje na analitički način, te da postanu odvažni akteri u civilnom društvu, proaktivno rade na istinskom dijalogu i izgradnji mira.

The meeting of youth in Podgorica

Story of peace-building in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Montenegro has a new chapter! Students have gathered in Podgorica for three-day-long seminar to learn about conflict transformation, media literacy, human rights and peace-building.


The seminar was attended by 29 students, third and fourth grade from 15 cities throughout Montenegro. They learned about topics: conflict transformation and resolution, media literacy, human rights, constructive dialogue and peace building. Seminar took place in Hotel Kerber in Podgorica from 25.01.2019. until 27.01.2019. Through the subject of conflict, participants learned about conflicts within themselves, among people, groups, and countries with Mladen Ivanovic. At the media literacy workshop, participants learned how to recognize false news and how to use social networks in the safest way with Milena Vučelic from the American Corner of Podgorica. Danijel Kalezić from Queer Montenegro, with a focus on discrimination against women, the LGBT population, and various ethnic groups, spoke of human rights. A workshop on constructive dialogue and peace building was held by Miloš Kalezić from the Center for Civic Education, who through various games and works in groups talked with participants on the topic of peace in the Balkans.
