Beside longterm cooperation between Youth for Peace members and URI, in August 2014 YfP became officialy Cooperation Circle of URI. It was announced alongside four other CCs from different sides of world. YfP is looking forward to cooperation with other URI's CC and sharing common idea and vision. On official URI Website our CC is presented as: This Cooperation Circle, formed by young people from different spiritual backgrounds from Bosnia and Herzegovina, is active in working with interfaith youth groups from local and international organizations. With unique professional backgrounds in psychology, economics and tourism among other things, they have organized activities, workshops, seminars and conferences for young activists. They established Youth for Peace as a non-governmental organization on national level and currently have more than 15 active members. Through interfaith projects, they hope to contribute to peacebuilding and interfaith dialogue by highlighting the importance of young people in the process. They strive to empower young people to be initiators of positive change in order to create a better future by building a society of equal opportunities without prejudices in local communities.