P.A.C.E. - Peace and Conflict Education is a regional project implemented by Youth for Peace in cooperation with the Balkans Let's Get Up! Organisation from Serbia and Udehtim i Lire from Albania. The implementation of the project is supported by the Regional Youth Cooperation Office - RYCO and the European Union.

Objectives of the project:

  1. To build capacities of youth workers and CSOs in the field of peace building and reconciliation with emphasis on capacities to foster effective implementation of peace education contents and values
  2. To create favourable environment where youth from the three parties can gather and go through transformative experience of dialogue and understanding “other side”

The project will be implemented over a period of 7 months in which two trainings for trainers in the field of peace education will be organized in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina as well as youth exchange in Albania. In addition, one of the outputs of the project, will be creation of a peace education manual for trainers with a special focus on the Western Balkan.