On Saturday, 24th December 2016 in Eastern Sarajevo a workshop on „Stereotypes and Prejudices“ has been organized for high school students from this town. Youth, aged from 15 to 18 had a chance to find out more about the topic. Also, they discovered how stereotypes and prejudices can lead to discrimination.
During the workshop participants and educators have concluded that prejudices are part of our lives and that each one of us sometimes finds himself in a situation where consciously or unconsciously, in advance, judge another, without enough knowledge or information. Participants, together with educators, shared they own experience, and described situations in which they have been exposed to condemnation and prejudices by others, primarily by their peers. Educators have explained through examples how to behave in such situation and have pointed out the importance of getting to know one another as the most important step in fight against prejudices, which we all carry in ourselves.